Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Jalan-Jalan Korea 2019/20

Just realised that this post was still in Draft! Anyway, it was a last minute decision, but we actually ushered in the new decade in Seoul, Korea earlier this year. And what a memorable trip it was! It was my third time in the South Korean capital, but this was by far the most memorable.

And when I say last minute, it was really a last minute deal. We were planning to make the trip in March 2020, but Tia dropped the news that she would be busy during the school holidays, so we had to scrap the idea. That's when we decided to make the trip earlier than intended and booked everything just days before the departure date. 

And you know what? If things didn't work out the way it did and we had booked the trip for March anyway, we would have been left scrambling for refunds instead of enjoying a winter sojourn seeing how a global pandemic eventually unfolded some time in February. Alhamdulillah. 

I might update this into a longer write-up one day, but in the meantime, here are videos of our awesome trip!

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