Saturday, December 10, 2022

Letters to My Mother


Once upon a time, people wrote letters. Like, actual letters. Where you had to sit down on a chair, whip out a piece of paper, and write down your thoughts with a pencil or pen. More shockingly, people always spelled words correctly and used proper grammar.

But wait, there’s more! Once you’ve completed the task above, you would then insert that paper which you have folded carefully, into an envelope, write the recipient’s address on it, place a stamp on the top right corner, and then find a postbox to deposit it into.

Then as the days go by, you would start to wonder if the letter had reached your intended recipient, be it a family member, a friend, or a pen pal! (more on this later). And back then, it might take anything from three to seven days for a piece of mail to travel a couple of hundred kilometres across the country.

I, myself, used to write a lot. And it was an absolutely wonderful surprise when I found a bunch of letters that I had mailed to my parents still neatly kept and preserved, some time ago.

Read the full article HERE


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