Saturday, April 28, 2007

AIM Live Blogging!

Oh yes, indeed. Tonight, I'll be blogging live from PWTC on AIM (Anugerah Industri Muzik) 14.

To catch all the action, log on to

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Don't crush it, man!

Man crushes are ok! Phew! And there’s no bigger authority than GQ magazine to endorse this seemingly no-go emo for guys.

According to the mag: “Straight guys have always gotten all excited about other straight guys; we’re just more open about it now. It’s kind of the opposite of don’t ask, don’t tell. If you admit to having a man crush, no one will question your hetero credentials.

BUT, there are rules to follow…

Firstly, “a man crush is NEVER about looks – it’s about character”. So it’s NOT ok if you’re into Justin Timberlake 'cos he looks hot with that 3-day beard.

Secondly, “it’s all about guys who emit an aura of power and toughness.” The winner of any Manhunt contest does not count.

Finally, if you have a man crush, “say it loud and say it proud. But don’t get overenthused.” Which means no buying of pillows with Tom Cruise’s face on it and displaying it in your car.

And by this definition, I’ve had 3 major man crushes in my lifetime:

The Man (or in this case, boy): Ricky Schroder, star of 80s sitcom Silver Spoons.
Why: In the show, Ricky lived in a big-ass house with a big-ass train set that ran through the living room. And he always had the cutest girls going after him. Of course I wanted to be him!
Stuff I Did: Tried to copy his dressing so I’d get the same cute chicks he was pulling in the show. Didn’t really work.

The Man: Michael Jordan, the greatest athlete of all time.
Why: Greatest athlete of all time.
Stuff I Did: Bought videotapes, t-shirts, jackets, caps, magazines and cards. Watched every single NBA finals game he was in over and over and over again. Wrote a song about him. Shed tears when he retired. Both times.

The Man: Amy Search, legendary frontman of rock band Search, serial marry-er.
Why: Defines rockin’ cool, charismatic, great hair (only ‘cos it signifies rebellion lah).
Stuff I Did: Built scrapbooks, attended gigs, watched Sayang although it was the worst movie ever made, called myself “Zul Search” for a couple of years.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tabloid Tales (every fortnight)

Here’s one I’ve never seen before, ohh…Sayang. Selling at RM2, it’s filled with the usual tales of the midly famous, the undead, and the unheard of.

The most interesting goss, however, involves this female personality who’s been in the news before for fighting at a nightspot. The latest, this firecracker was spotted drinking with a few friends and making obscene gestures at fellow patrons. Lindsay Lohan is now based in Malaysia??

Another interesting piece here is the 14 tips to look more beautiful for the ladies. Some of the tips include drinking more water, exercise, sleeping well, pampering yourself by going to the spa, and taking part in gotong royongs. Yes ladies, after doing your facials and manicures, make sure you volunteer to clean up your neighbour’s drains. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

But here’s a tip you could really use, especially those who are constantly bothered by pesky hantu rayas. According to Antagonis, all you need is a couple of rotten goose eggs, recite a few hocus pocus verses and even the likes of Valdermot won’t even dream about getting close to you. If only Harry knew this…

And here’s the headline of the fortnight…

Loosely translated, it means, “Powerful spinsters bring happiness”. But guys, before you think there’s a complete guide on where to find these powerful spinsters, I’ll have to bring you back down to earth and tell you that the article itself is a rip-off, and a mere advertorial for some women’s products. Boo! Hiss!

Picture Perfect

Managed to snap this while on the NKVE a couple of days ago. Breathtaking ain't it?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Survey Says...

(as published by all major and minor local newspapers today)

of Malaysian women are satisfied with their sex life

of Malaysian men are satisfied with their sex life

of same women say they experience orgasm regularly

of same men say they experience orgasm regularly

of same women claim to experience or has had painful sex

of same men claim to experience or has had painful sex

is Malaysia’s global rank in terms of frequency of sex

is Malaysia’s global rank in terms of sexual satisfaction

So basically women in Malaysia are unsatisfied with their sex life, seldom experience the joys of orgasm and more often than not, doing the naughty is pretty painful.

Guys, what in the world are you doing? (or, not been doing?) I've risked life and job over the years in my quest to educate you bozos out there on the birds and the doggies, and yet you shame me with these pathetic statistics?!

I give up...

* findings by good ‘ol Durex

Friday, April 13, 2007

Plug Alert : Believe it babe!

Percayalah Sayang by Vince, the song that I wrote the lyrics to, has cracked the Top 10 of both Carta Era and Carta Hot FM 30. Woohoo!

And tonight at 9.30, Vince will perform the tune on TV3 to mark its entry into the Muzik Muzik chart. Our first collaboration 3 years ago, Mengapa Harus Cinta, took us to the Juara Lagu final, so let’s see where this particular song will lead to this time around.

Caption Time!

The Amazing Race : All-Sizes preview was very well-received

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Quote Of The Day

"In fact, I have more muscular arms now and I'm not that slim anymore"
- Model and actress Amber Chia said in Berita Harian

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Visit Malaysia lah! : Jolly JB

Before I get branded a good-for-nothing blogger by the powers-that-be, here’s my contribution to the government’s Visit Malaysia Year campaign: a piece on my beloved hometown Johor Bahru (JB); home of Mee Rebus, Mawi and the biggest Valentino Rossi billboard ever (probably).

But let me start by saying that some 20 years ago, JB kinda, um, sucked. There were only two major shopping complexes, a couple of discos (friends told me, I wouldn’t know) and a zoo with animals that looked like they’d taken oaths to fast forever.

And JB’s only major attraction was… Singapore.

But today, JB gets an A for its happening-ness. Entertainment and shopping outlets are aplenty now, and even the animals are eating well.

For architecture nuts, there’s plenty of old and interesting buildings to go ga-ga over, including the State Government building, the Abu Bakar Mosque and even my old school, English College. Just look at these shots from my Nokia 6680 ...

And for greenery lovers, there are a few cool parks, like the Hutan Bandar below, scattered all over the city that are perfect for picnics, photography and general bumming around.

Then of course, there’s the glorious food. Two must-tries in JB are mee rebus (noodles that don’t really look impressive but tastes oh-so-yummy) and otak-otak ("brain-brain" when literally translated, but it’s actually grilled spicy fish paste).

Mee Rebus. Gooood...

Brain-brain. Also gooood...

But the mother of all JB attractions is of course, DANGA BAY, located at Lido beach opposite the Palace on Bukit Serene (just look at the map lah).

It’s a circus of an attraction that includes, until recently, a circus (seriously!), amusement rides, a skateboard park, paddle boat rides,

all sorts of bicycles for you to ride and fall from...

flashy tram rides...

restaurants for all sorts of budget...

and cool traditional houses...

So what are you waiting for? This weekend, have a jolly good time in JB! But please don't forget the zoo...

PS: Here’s the humongous Valentino Rossi billboard on Jalan Wong Ah Fook (Yeah, I wasn't kidding!)

Lo-han behold!

I picked up the April issue of GQ (US) a couple of days ago mainly because of this cover...

Yes she is back, and man, she's got some back as well (along with other neat stuff we call body parts).

But no, I haven't read the interview, cos everytime I pick up the mag, I simply fail to get past the cover. How lah?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Cool Collectibles: Guess who?

Was digging up my old stuff and found the above. Any idea?

Last name Goldman. Oscar Goldman. He was the dude in 70s popular TV show Six Million Dollar Man.

It's a 12" figurine and came with an exploding briefcase. How cool is that?

My dad bought this in Singapore along with the Six Million Dollar Man, Steve Austin figurine. It was the best. day. ever.

How much is it worth now? I did a survey on ebay and the highest bid for a similar model I saw was USD49.99. Not bad.

But I prefer to keep this under my bed for another 20 years...


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