Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We Rocked It!

Woohoo! We indeed survived it! I mean, ROCKED IT!
Our makeshift 8TV/GUA Band totally rocked the 8TV Party for clients earlier tonight at Mardi Gras, One Utama. After the 2-hour rehearsal last week, we only had another 2 hours today during the soundchek to tighten things up.
At 8pm, the party started and honestly, I was nervous like mad at that point in time. Of course there were the obligatory speeches by Izham and his merry (wo)men, after which the band was introduced.
We started with U2's "With Or Without You" which Eileen and myself shared the vocals. Then came an interesting medley of "Are You Gonna Go My Way" (Lenny Kravitz) and "When I Come Around" (Green Day). By this time everyone found their groove and really rocked out.
The final number was Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself For Loving You"... But wait, people actually asked for an encore! To which we obliged and jammed "Knockin On Heaven's Door".
Overall it was a pretty decent gig and I don't think we turned off any of 8TV's clients. Haha!
Performance pics coming soon!


Unknown said...

Wa caya sama lu!

and you sing too! Perghhhhhh...

KodeeXII said...


bro.. lu tak jam lagu blitz ker? hahahah... kalau wa sure.. cramp lagi jari.. hahahaah...

M.Zul said...

thanks guys. kodee, next gig i promise to play some blitz originals! the songs still sound good after more than 13 years. haha!

KodeeXII said...


hahahaha.. really aaaa. it's been that long aaa... hahahahaha...

Can't believe you guys played Joan Jett to end the gig.. Sweet Child laaa... isn't that like the universal end song? hahahaha


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