Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mission: Rock Out!

The call came on Thursday from Izham (as in 8TV CEO, Izham):
"Eh, can you play guitar for our 8TV band?"
"Who, me?"
"Yeah. A couple of the guys said I should call you. Jomlah. 8TV having a clients' party next week and we need to put together a band and just rock out."
"Er... can I think about it?"

20 mins later...

"So, jomlah. Can lah... just rock out."
"Er, um, er... Haven't played in a while. But OK, I'll try and 'rock out'"

So Friday night we got together at a studio in Hartamas, and whaddyaknow, we did rock out! I even got the chords right and stuff. And by the end of the night, we kinda had 4 songs in the bag.

Of course it does help that Izham as the band leader is a world-class musician, and we also had other awesomely talented dudes; Izuan (who's my writer at GUA and is also the frontman of Indie group Auburn), Eddie (whom you'd know is a rockstar by just looking at his tattoos), Nick (sales person by day, mean bass player at night) and 8TV staff Eileen (man, she can sing!).

If everything goes to plan, we'll be rockin' it out for real next Wednesday at Mardi Gras, One Utama. To be honest, I'm still nervous as hell. Then again, if the chords suddenly escape me, I could simply turn off the volume and air-guitar the night away...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

U used to jam in Hard Rock, ok?
This should be peanuts for you...


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