Wednesday, January 01, 2025

When We Tag Teamed With The WWE To Create Content History!

All the talk today (well, at least amongst wrestling fans) is how on this date, 1.1.2025, the WWE 
(World Wrestling Entertainment) is creating history by moving its content to the world's biggest streaming platform, Netflix

How much is this deal worth for the WWE? According to reports, a whopping USD5 billion! 

This also means that the WWE Network has been officially terminated; including on astro, here in Malaysia. 

A quick survey on social media has shown that WWE fans are all for this historic move. It's a win-win for everyone. What's not to like, they ask?

Even on the Malaysian WWE fan groups on FB, they're welcoming this with open arms. "Gila banyak show lama-lama boleh tengok!"

But allow me to just remind everyone that some years ago, a Malaysian platform became the first to stream exclusive WWE content, and for free too! And yours truly had a small part in it. Ahem ahem. 

So here's what happened: On 6 August 2010, Media Prima Berhad launched our own streaming platform called tonton. Oh yes, unless you've been living on Mars, I'm pretty sure you'd know what tonton is.

The grand launch was held at the Sunway Convention Centre and we had some 1,200 people coming; clients, the media, agency people, celebs, shareholders etc. Three speakers were lined up; Ahmad Izham Omar, Paul Moss, and myself, and we took turns to present the different parts of the tonton story.

Izham came out first to unveil the brand, then Paul talked about the tech aspects, then I came out to 
talk about the "sexy stuff", CONTENT.

I was decked out like the WWE superstar The Rock. Even my entrance theme started with: "If you smellllllll..."

Why??? Because apart from the 30,000 hours of TV gold, exclusive Web Content, and Customised Channels, tonton also offered WWE Classics!

It featured the greatest matches and stars of professional wrestling including Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Randy “Macho Man” Savage, and The Rock! 

I remember a long negotiation process with WWE execs that took place in Singapore, Cannes and our own office in Sri Pentas. But in the end, we made history by being the first local streaming service to offer WWE content!

Ah, those were the days lah. If you smellll....

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