Monday, September 16, 2024

Stay Out Of Trouble, Kids!

When I was serving on the bench, what I hated most was juvenile and drugs cases. For such hearings in chambers, you'd usually get family members to attend. And this was always a problem for me.

Especially for juvenile cases, we'd have parents coming in, and most of the time they would have no idea what their children have been up to. Upon reading the facts of the case, I'd usually get annoyed and riled up at the stupid things these kids have been accused of doing. 

But the mood would change when the parents are given a chance to speak. Especially the poor old moms, they'd immediately break down and would plead with me, with tears in their eyes and their hearts broken, to give their kids another chance. They'll say that their kids are actually good kids and they didn't know why they've made such bad turns. 

Being a person with "jiwa sensitif", I'd usually struggle to hold back my own tears. It's not easy seeing these old folks who have given their heart and soul raising their kids, only to get a phone call from the cops to say that they've been up to mischief and might be sent to some "sekolah budak jahat". 

And every time, I could feel the sincerity and hope from the parents to give their child another chance. Of course, being juveniles, we would always give them a second chance to start anew, and release them on bond of good behaviour. But the process was always an emotional one for me.

So kids, behave, stay out of trouble, and think of your parents before doing anything you might regret later.

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