Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Favourite Moments Of 2013

Every year since the past few years, I've done a year-end list of my favourite moments that I share on this very blog. Although I do the list mainly for fun, it's also a nice reminder of how blessed my life is.

2013 was another year of milestones and moments to cherish and remember. As usual, we had great family vacations, and ventured to a couple of new destinations; Sydney and Amsterdam.

On the career front, I moved on to a new job after more than six years, and even gave up a couple of things I never thought I would.

And there's nothing like the joys of fatherhood, especially when you have a daughter who's growing up fast and every moment spent is special in its own way. Some, you just want to rewind over and over again, knowing full well that she can't stay as your little princess forever.

But 2013 was also special to me because of the spiritual journey I went on in April to to the holy cities of Mekah and Madinah for my umrah. Yes, there was the distraction of the general elections that threw the trip into some doubt, but really, there was no hesitation in my heart that it was what I needed most in my life.

You can read the full experience HERE, but perhaps I can add that months after that wonderful journey, the biggest lessons I've learned and embraced are two of the most basic things in life; redha and syukur.

Fully embraced, they are truly keys to one's happiness. Well, at least for me. And really, when I look back on 2013, I can only be profoundly thankful for everything that's happened in my life...

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