Thursday, December 13, 2012

41 And Lovin' It!

Before I forget, allow me to just say thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, gifts and surprises! Yup, turned 41 on the 8th and it turned out to be a fine day for more than one reason.

On the eve of my birthday, I walked into my office very early in the morning and was totally surprised by the room makeover given by my team. The gifts weren't bad either :)

And on the 8th itself, I started the day by doing a Larian 40 Taman and having a quiet dinner with the fam later on. Nothing too fancy, but it was more than enough to commemorate the day...

And really, there's so much more for me to look forward to this coming year. I've never felt fitter in my life, and there projects and trips lined up that would hopefully see me hitting brand new milestones in 2013. Again, thanks everyone!

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