Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Need Cats?

WARNING: This entry will make you go AWWW...

Yes, I'm an animal lover. Growing up in JB, we had plenty of God's beautiful creatures around us; cats, birds, fish, chickens... And being an only child, yes, I talked to them, took care of them and cried when my favourites died (you can go AWWW now, or wait for later).

These days, I do make the occasional trip to the petshop to go all gaga over felines especially. But with the schedule that I keep now, it's hard to make a serious commitment as far as pets are concerned. (Especially expensive ones!)

BUT... this past year, we've taken on the task of feeding a couple of neighbourhood cats. Just a couple of unattractive strays that have enjoyed our generosity in the form of the best branded cat food. Haha.

Of course, being cats, they breed like crazy. A pretty promiscious lot they are. And recently, three new kittens were welcomed into the family. And this is the part where you go AWWW...


Best part is: they're up for adoption! Just drop me a line if you're interested :) First pack of Whiskas will be on me...

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