Saturday, July 18, 2009

My 5 Favourite... Shout! Awards 2009 Moments

5. Sean Kingston and posse sauntered to the wrong part of the stage and missed the mic when presenting the Flava Award. Award shows are always more memorable with some funny unscripted moments…

4. Tony Fernandes’s tweet at the event, saying: “At the shout music awards by 8tv. Presenting an award. Now this award should be seen by all politicians.” You know, 1Malaysia and stuff...

3. Bunkface brought on kids as their gimmick. And it worked! The night’s biggest winners also showed they thoroughly deserved the trophies they took home.
2. The Babes. Oh yes, there were plenty of those moments. I couldn’t have done it any better.
1. Paul Moss disses Upin & Ipin and starts a feud. Not quite Bruno vs Eminem, but then again, I’d rather not see any bare butts in this one.

1 comment:

fanatix said...

110% agree with moment no.1!

upin: kawan2 jgn contohi mat saleh bernama paul moss yg biadab tu, btul x ipin?

ipin: btul x3


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