Friday, July 31, 2009

I Should Write More...

Truth is, I miss writing. Not blogging writing, but writing features, interviews, opinion pieces etc. "What's the problem, you run gua, don't you?" you might ask. Well, to be honest, gua's audience not the sort that would "get" my kind of stuff. You know, the tongue-in-cheek and you-gotta-know-pop-culture-to-the-max, kind of stuff.

I used to have a blog on gua called "The Buzz Station" (cool name, huh?) and I remember posting something called 'The Unsexiest List', listing the babes that don't do much for me. Obviously it was a take-the-piss sort of piece, but people actually asked if I was gay and if I didn't like women. Wankers.

But like I said, I miss sitting down and typing up pearls of wisdom to be shared with a more enlightened audience. This blogging thing has made me somewhat lazy. Everything is a 100 words with a couple of funny pictures. Lazy, lazy, lazy...

Then there's Twitter as well. Not only less is more, grammar also out the window. Lazy, lazy, lazy...

But oh, I'm into scriptwriting now. And the past few months has been spent learning the craft and actually writing a couple of things that will and have made some impact. My online drama 'Mingguan Lelaki' has chalked up more than 700,000 views todate on gua. And this movie script that I'm co-writing with Izham has gone into the final, final, final, aboslutely final draft and will go into production after Raya, hopefully. A sitcom is coming up as well.

So I've not been THAT lazy. But I should write more. And I will start now. The problem sometimes is that I tend to overthink things, but that will change and I will go with the flow more now. After all, I am my own editor and I could/should write whatever the hell I want.

And I will....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u go, boy.


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