Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's Up With The Pout 'O' Doom???

So apparently I never got the memo. The one that said to exist (or be popular) in the web 2.0 universe, you have to deploy the Pout 'O' Doom.

What am I on about? Well, just check out the pics of your facebook or friendster friends/enemies. I'm sure in most of their photos, they pretty much look like this...

(sorry Miya! nanti bos belanja something)

And there's nothing spontaneous or candid about it. The Pout 'O' Doom is 99% posed. And that's a good thing these days. I've tried looking for answers as to why this is so, but have failed to find one.

But I AM jumping on the badwagon. Hey, if that's what people want, I have no choice but to give it to them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is hilarious!! hahahah... oh my, u're so cute in that pose.. this is so unexpected..


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