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All decked out for a Supermarket Sweep |
It's been 5 years since the pandemic arrived without warning and changed our lives forever...
(The following are collected from my status updates across FB, IG and Twitter)
29 Feb 2020
Mendoakan isteri dan semua jemaah Umrah yg lain selamat pulang ke tanahair esok. Insya Allah.
1 Mar 2020
Alhamdulillah, my wife along with other Jemaah are already onboard the flight for home. Relief.
16 Mar
Everyone in the lift had beras, minyak masak and bread. I bought Toblerone.
16 Mar
Some already decided they wanted to use the word "lockdown". First tweet straight away dive in. Then apologise at the end it's not a lockdown. Pah.
17 Mar
Thinking about those who work in Singapore and won't be allowed to leave the country during this period. Hope their employers will understand and there will be no job losses.
17 Mar
673 cases. 2 deaths today. Condolences to the families. Stay safe, everyone.
23 Mar
You get RM500! You get RM500! You get RM500! -- of your own money...
25 Mar
Will trade PS3 games for Gardenia bread. PM.
29 Mar
Roadblock on the LDP before Sunway toll, pergi balik.
31 Mar
Even if there were Ramadan Bazaars this year, it is highly unlikely I will be going. Will try and support the sellers through other means, but won't be risking anything anytime soon ð
1 April 2020
It was LITERALLY like Supermarket Sweep! Only 30mins per customer. I stuck to the list for about 5mins before I started grabbing whatever I could. By the 20th minute, they were already making an announcement for green tag holders to go to the cashier counter. I was racing shopping trolleys with aunties and braders in tracksuits. A good workout AND I also got Gardenia bread. I need to lie down now.
3 April
Running up and down your condo stairs. Is this breaking MCO? My convo with an editor. And by "an editor", I mean Graig Martyn Nunis ð
8 April
Gonna go for another round of Supermarket Sweep this morning ðŽðŽ
10 April
Tia will be attending a zoom birthday party for her friend. No need to bring present or cake. Money saved! Haha. And wifey just planted bawang. More money saved. #alhamdulillah #newnormal
26 April
Of course our children's education is a major worry. Tia will be sitting for her IGCSE this year and you can imagine the chaos for students and teachers now. The May/June papers have been cancelled by Cambridge International and students will be awarded a predicted grade by the school. Fair or not? Well, thats the new norm...
28 April
Gardenia AND Ramly burger patty. Alhamdulillah
2 May 2020
RM0. PKPB - Tindakan undang - undang akan diambil terhadap mereka yang ingkar PKP walaupun bermula 4 Mei hampir semua aktiviti perniagaan dibenarkan beroperasi.
3 May
8 states say you can take the cmco and shove it up your backdoor. Chaotic.
4 May
Already got people jogging #cmco
6 May
CMCO Bulletin
So, went to IOI Mall earlier today:
- plenty more cars on the road. The roadblock in front of the BK5 LRT station is still happening though
- 80% of shops are open at IOI Mall
- temperature check and signing in happens at every store. This is properly done
- people wear masks with no exception
- social distancing is generally observed, but there were couples jalan peluk2 as well ð
- aeon has plenty of fresh food!
- lagu Raya can already be heard
- Royal Canin for British Short Hair habis ðĒ had to buy different brand for ð
- parking was free
OK, back to regular programming...
9 May
After 53 days, Tia is out of the house. FOR THE FIRST TIME.
16 May
Wearing a mask means I don't have to put on my Marks and Spencer talcum powder on my face when going out ð
18 May
So during C/MCO, I finished reading just 4 books, but over 300 hours (at least) of video and podcast lectures and classes. Alhamdulillah.
25 May
Raya Kedua. Pakai tshirt Star Wars
25 May
Ibadat jadi bahan lawak sebab gigih nak berkongsi di media sosial. Dijulang pulak sesetengah media yg anggap benda ni "kreatif". Tapi kalau niat nak buat Allah suka dengan memegang tukul Thor ketika berkhutbah, silakan. Kalau nak sukakan manusia, boleh check balik niat. "Kreatif" beribadat mcm ni pun merujuk kitab mana ya?
2 June 2020
"Boleh rentas negeri untuk bernikah"... just begs for a tele to be made ð
11 June
[TERKINI] Ibadat haji untuk semua rakyat Malaysia bagi Musim Haji 1441 Hijrah adalah ditangguhkan.
19 June
Alhamdulillah. After being closed for some 100 days, Masjid Al-Ehsan Bandar Kinrara is open again by Allah's permission on this beautiful Friday morning. Managed to sign in at no 30 out of 40. Syukur Alhamdulillah!
26 June
"buat makluman, kami beritahu awal2, siapa yg dah Solat Jumaat minggu lepas, minggu ni mmg tak dapat..." ðð
26 June
Liverpool are Premier League Championnsss!!!
Woooohooooooo #YNWA
1 July 2020
A new month and the world is recovering. Best time to do some self-auditing. What is different now compared to 3 months ago? Are we kinder? More empathetic? More thankful of what we have? Or it's Business As Usual as per the pre-covid days? We live in a world where we need to APPLY to perform some of our prayers and the mosques are still closed at certain times. Let's ponder over what that truly means.
If we have less of everything now, imagine those who didn't have anything to begin with. How are they coping? Or does it mean we just have to be more selfish since we're getting less of the world's abundance? Think about our lowest points during this period. What were we praying for? Protection from the disease and death? To go out to buy bread? To see our loved ones? To keep our jobs? And what are we praying for now? So much to think about. And thank Allah that He actually stopped everything to make us sit and ponder, before it's simply too late.
21 July
Sedih jugak dengar luahan Nazir masjid tadi sebelum Isyak tentang ketidakpatuhan kpd SOP oleh sesetengah pihak. Kesian pada ahli kariah yang hari-hari 100% patuh; pakai pelitup muka, bawa sejadah penuh dan ambil wudhu dari rumah/ofis. Especially hari ni ada pasar malam berhampiran, ada public yg datang panjat masuk ke tempat wudhu dan toilet yg telah ditutup. Sampai ada yang nak bertumbuk! Sebak Tn Haji bercerita sebab ni tanggungjawab dia. Minggu depan mungkin kena letak security/rela sebab risiko terlalu tinggi. It just takes one. Pls be reminded that kita belum menang!
31 July
Istilah rasmi telah ditukar ke "Penjarakan Fizikal" daripada "Penjarakan Sosial". Sosial dah keluar penjara ð
19 September 2020
First flight since Jan...
13 October 2020
Masjids and suraus - where SOPs are strictly adhered to by thousands of people every single day - are again closed for 2 weeks...
14 October
CMCO be like...
16 October
Like someone said on twitter, CMCO stands for Cincai MCO! How many in a car lah? How many can eat out? What's the latest news? Thanks.
16 October
Alhamdulillah. Masjid di KL dibuka semula. 20 org utk solat fardhu. Boleh check dgn masjid ttg prosedur. (Selangor belum lg)
17 October
SOP dipatuhi. Hanya 20 org jemaah untuk setiap solat fardhu di waktu CMCO ini.
20 October
Tia is taking her IGCSE papers now. What a year for her. Preparing and sitting for the most important exam in her life so far in the most challenging of circumstances. Hoping for the best. Amin.
5 Dec 2020
Whatever MCO this is, at least can go Yik Mun for breakfast. HURRAH!
13 Jan 2021
Seems like everyone has a letter to go to work. Hmmm...
25 Jan
Hey look, it's THE MASKED SINGER! It's all happening this Friday. Stay tuned, folks! #rasakangetaran #Getaranmy #depanmata
29 Jan
Launch done! Thanks for all the kind wishes! Now, go and check out getaran.my ð
9 Feb 2021
Can dine in at restaurants. 2 per table.
21 Feb
Never thought I'd see the day when we're all waiting for the arrival of a vaccine...
2 Mar 2021
KL, Selangor back to CMCO from 5th March.
21 Mar
The other day was I eating pucuk paku and thought, "Someday I will tell my grandkids that during the Emergency of 2021, I had to eat pucuk paku. At Dancing Fish. In Bangsar Shopping Centre. For RM15 per plate." Ok, scratch that story...
15 April 2021
KKM cadangkan rentas negeri untuk sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri ditangguh - Dr Adham
16 April
Tinjauan team foto Getaranmy ke Bazar Ramadan Kg. Baru semalam.
20 April
As Salam dan selamat pagi kepada semua yg belum dapat satu pun dos vaksin dan tak boleh rentas negeri.
2 May 2021
MCO but everyone will have letters. That's my guess ð
13 May
Another Raya at home but thankful to have each other always. Alhamdulillah...
16 May
Seriously, can you believe that while we're in a state of "emergency", and a deadly pandemic causing unprecedented hardship on the rakyat, this Prime Minister still DOES NOT answer questions from the media?
17 May
Tindakan orang ramai sambut Hari Raya di pusat beli belah berpotensi cetus krisis jangkitan COVID-19 - Menteri Kesihatan
22 May
Operasi perniagaan di seluruh negara dihadkan dari 8 pagi sehingga 8 malam sahaja mulai 25 Mei - Ismail Sabri
Operasi kedai makan dari 8 pagi hingga 8 malam
40 peratus sektor swasta akan bekerja dari rumah libatkan lebih enam juta pekerja
PKP: Penumpang pengangkutan awam dikurangkan 50 peratus mulai 25 Mei
23 May
Makin berat ujian. Bermula esok, masjid hanya dibuka utk anak kariah #muhasabah
26 May
Click banyak kali sampai dapat is not "technology" ðĪŠ Punyalah susah nak dapatkan enjeksyen.
27 May
Khairy mohon maaf kepada individu yang mengalami masalah ketika membuat pendaftaran vaksin AstraZeneca semalam.
28 May
Kerajaan putus penutupan penuh sektor sosial dan ekonomi (total lockdown) fasa pertama di seluruh negara bagi tempoh 14 hari bermula 1 Jun 2021 - PMO
2 June 2021
COVID: 126 kes kematian baharu, tertinggi dilaporkan sejak negara dilanda pandemik ini - KP Kesihatan
3 June
Polis terima semua surat pergerakan rentas daerah, baik dari MITI, kementerian lain atau mana-mana jabatan kerajaan.
6 June
Sejak covid, dah mcm2 sop solat berjemaah kita dah harungi.
Lepas masjid semua tutup lebih kurang 100 hari, Alhamdulillah dibuka semula utk 40 org jemaah (Selangor), solat jumaat pun sama 40, first come first served.
Kemudian kena apply utk solat Jumaat. Kemudian kena apply melalui app. Di KL dibuka utk 130 org, first come, first served. Ramai yg beratur awal, pulang kecewa.
Kemudian jadi 1/3 ruang masjid. Kemudian 50 peratus.
Oh, penjarakan 1m masa tu.
Kemudian pernah Selangor buka, KL tutup. Ada masa, KL buka, Selangor tutup. Kita kena keep track. Itu pun yg mana boleh pergi dua2, kalau tak, boleh dicaj rentas daerah.
Kemudian bila kes naik, tutup semua (kecuali imam, bilal, noja).
Bila bukak balik, utk 50 org, cukup je, pintu kunci. Penjarakan jadi 1.5m.
Di Selangor, utk anak kariah saja.
Baru-baru ni, di KL pun solat fardhu utk anak kariah saja, Jumaat 50 org first come, first served. Sekarang jadi solat fardhu dan Jumaat utk AJK saja. Yg lain solat di rumah.
Di Selangor, hanya 6 org utk solat Jumaat, 5 org utk solat fardhu.
I don't have to make any conclusions. Kita sendiri fikirkan kenapa kita diuji sebegini.
13 June
Seeing friends' parents getting vaccine shots just reminds me that I no longer have parents... ð
16 June
Smlm ada geng ajak tapau Sithique outlet baharu, tapi timing tak kena. Lagipun hati ni belum dapat lepaskan Sitihque lama, jadi ke sanalah saya serbu. Ayam goreng, sotong, kuah campur macam biasa. Surrr tetap surrr. Alhamdulillah.
25 June
Kemarahan rakyat kian memuncak. Dari #KerajaanGagal dah jadi #KerajaanBangsat sekarang ni...
27 June
#TERKINI - PKP tidak tamat esok, fasa pertama terus sehingga nilai ambang kurang 4,000 kes - PM
9 July 2021
#TERKINI - COVID: Kes baharu 9,180 hari ini, tertinggi sejak pandemik melanda negara - KP Kesihatan
17 July
Alhamdulillah! Finally vaccinated. A big thanks to everyone who made it a smooth experience!
22 July
(Good news for a change!)
Pasangan jarak jauh lengkap dua dos vaksin COVID-19 mungkin dibenarkan merentas negeri bertemu keluarga - TPM
11 September 2021
Boleh rentas daerah! And our first destination... Bangi ðð Tapau nasi manggey.
18 September
Dose no 2!
13 November 2021
In Malaysia, since the COVID-19 pandemic began:
29,500 people lost their lives to the virus
800,000 people lost their jobs (up till 2020 only)
77,000 couples got divorced
Over 1,000 people have taken their own lives (for each life lost, 135 people are directly affected)
224,000 calls have been made to helplines requesting for psychosocial and emotional support
30,000 businesses have closed down (up till 2020 only)
20 December 2021
Tinjauan team visual Getaran dan Petra News ke Taman Sri Muda. ðĒðĒ
29 January 2022
Getaran Dah Setahun! Congrats to the awesome team for all that we've achieved these past 365 days! Alhamdulillah. Bukan senang dengan mcm2 external and internal challenges. Gonna miss everyone. ð But I know that with this bunch of talented people, Getaran will only soar to greater heights. Congrats again! #Getaran1Tahun
3 February 2022
An empty causeway...
1 April 2022
SOP Fasa Endemik:
1- Sila scan MySejahtera seperti biasa.
2- Sentiasa memakai pelitup muka.
3- Tiada had umur kepada yang ingin hadir ke masjid.
4- Digalakkan membawa sejadah sendiri bersaiz standard.
5- Tiada penjarakan sewaktu solat berjemaah (rapat sejadah dengan sejadah).
6- Sentiasa mengamalkan penjarakan fizikal sewaktu selain solat berjemaah.
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