Tuesday, August 20, 2019

This. Is. Malaysia.


The WhatsApp group was talking about nasi Beriyani earlier today, and suddenly I was also terjebak looking for rice. 

Walked down to Brickfields and stopped at Sithique and ordered nasi tomato with kuah campur and ayam goreng. The place was crowded as usual, so people had to sit with random strangers. 

Then I looked around. Different races eating the same food at the same place. We had the young and old. Some dressed the same, some differently. Some more sophisticated than others. Some speaking Malay, some Tamil, some the normal Malaysian English. 

It was busy and chaotic, but it was beautiful. I told a colleague of mine later how we're a peaceful yet complex country. And it's hard for a foreigner to truly understand what makes us all Malaysian. 

We have some rotten apples as well (and I give up hope sometimes), but at the end of the day there's still hope in every day, regular Malaysians.

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