Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Meeting Mr Olmos

So when I first got the email with the subject line: "Meeting with Edward James Olmos", I thought it was an April Fool's Day prank that came way too early. I mean, I grew up watching the man playing one of the coolest characters on TV, ie: Lieutenant Castillo on "Miami Vice". And never had I thought to myself, "hey, I think one day I'll be discussing business with this man".

But that's exactly what happened yesterday! Mr Olmos and son have their own production company and are in town to open doors for future collaborations, especially in the areas of animation and new media.


I must say it was pretty surreal presenting the new media bits to the man and his entourage. I could see how their eyes lit up when shown what tonton.com.my was capable of.

And Mr Olmos was a true gentleman. He shakes your hand firmly and has no Hollywood superstar air about him at all. Best part: This is just the beginning of a cool professional relationship (hopefully!)...

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