Monday, June 01, 2009

Heboh In JB

So as expected, Jom Heboh in JB this past weekend was hot, humid and happening. But Saturday did begin with a heavy downpour, and that affected the turnout somewhat.

But things got going soon after and the GUA booth saw a steady stream of people, most of whom swarmed ‘Mingguan Lelaki’ leading man, Fazren Rafi.

I managed to check out some of the other booths as well and discovered these two interesting things to eat.

First, “Tempe Stick”! I absolutely love tempe and this is the first time I’ve come across the thing stuck on a stick. My verdict? Quite yummy, but not satisfying enough.

Then, it was time for “Satay Burger”. Another interesting concept, and it was rather good, I must say. Would have been better if it wasn’t cold already.

Back at the GUA booth, things got even more interesting on the first day when Gangstarz 2 winners One Nation Emcees dropped by and did their brand of hip hop gelek…

It was absolutely burning hot on Sunday, and a few hundred thousand more people dropped by…

We had Aweera of OIAM3 for day two and dude did his whole “tarik suara” thing of course…

It was pandemonium in the evening when OIAM3 champ Tomok dropped by, but damn, I don’t have any pics.

We also debuted the brand new GUA T-shirt and managed to sell quite a number of pieces. The caps we brought also sold out.

And oh yeah, since I got a lot of request about it, here’s the mee rebus I ate on people’s behalf. You know who you are!

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