Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Unity In Diversity: Some Points To Ponder


Enlightening sessions at today's International Unity in Diversity Conference 2020 #uidckl. Some notes to share:

Sheikh Nuruddin Lemu (from Nigeria)

- religious extremists mimic mainstream Islam to appropriate legitimacy and recognition

- we need basic critical thinking tools which could be filters to folly

- invest time and effort to learn the basics of these 4 tools (refer pic). Not for us to become scholars ourselves, but detect extremism disguised as mainstream and for us to be alert always

- understand that the shariah is about justice, mercy, wisdom and good. We need to question when a fatwa or ruling is not guided and lead to this

Sheikh Omar Suleiman

- to focus less on merely responding to disasters and speak against policies that create the problems and taking control of the narrative

- revive our own Islamic ethos and live these concepts authentically

- the onus is on us to break out of the narrative of terrorism and Islamophobia and expand on the real meaning of Islam

- to do this, we need to invest in our own media and make sure we do it right by telling our stories in a compelling, honest and authentic manner

Sheikh Dr Yasir Qadhi 

1. In the face of overwhelming adversity, La Tahzan Innalaha Ma'ana

2. Let us aim to strive for unity. Come together and help one another. Diversity of our ummah is a strength! Take the best of every race and culture

3. Need to learn and appreciate both revealed knowledge and acquired knowledge. Both are from Allah

4. Protect the pillar of family. Educate our children in an environment of love and compassion

Wallahu a'lam

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