Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Winter Holiday 2012

A good six months later, I'm finally putting up this "lost" post. Sorry!

Happy New Year peeps! But before we start to chug along on the 2013 highway, allow me to rewind a couple of weeks back and talk about our recent holiday in London and Paris. Yeah, yeah, it probably sounds like the same sojourn as last year's, but it's really not. So, here are some of the neat highlights:

Tia had saved all her Raya money just to shop here. And I must say she got hold of some pretty cool stuff!

Coffee @ Galeries Lafayette
We got to one of its cafes and when I looked at the menu and prices, I thought; "How good could these expensive eclairs be?" Turned out, we tasted the most delicious eclair ever. And I really mean, EVER.

It's my third straight year being really up close to this magnificent structure and the magic has yet to be lost on me.

Yup, was here back in September, but I just had to take the fam out on a train ride to this University city. The weather was lovely, and we had a pretty perfect day too, just walking the streets, visiting the shops and getting inspired by the, um, intellectual surroundings.

Madame Tussauds
2005 was the last time I set foot here, and guess what? Somehow, the thrill of seeing fake famous people has yet to wear off!

The Markets!
We hit the big ones; Covent Garden, Portobello and Camden. Win!

Winter Festival
We didn't have enough time to explore Winter Wonderland yet again at Hyde Park, but we did stop by here at the Royal Festival Hall. Chestnuts, nice music playing over the speakers, marvelous lights.... Oh, what a night, it was!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your post and watching the lovely pics you have attached. Thanks for sharing it.

B&B Brugge                   


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