Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Botak! Botak! Botak!

So in conjunction with GUA's new look to be launched pretty soon, I came up with the idea sometime back to shave my head and basically get others to do it as well.

And after a couple of false starts, it was decided that today was the day that it was actually gonna happen! So we got Nick, who'd already done his, to take me and two others, Boon and Yusman, to this salon in SS2 to get the job done.

To be honest, I was in two minds right until the end. I got sick in the stomach. Rasa macam nak kena sunat sekali lagi pun ada... Damn nervous lah.

Once we got there, Boon volunteered to go first... and he, um well, looked pretty fine after the whole experience! Woohoo - what a great start!

Then it was my turn. And this was how it unfolded...

Overall I'm satisfied lah. Don't look too ugly... Haha.

Then came Yusman's turn, and he raised the bar by going for a Mohawk!

Nick on ther other hand will be spraying his dome by this Friday. Talk about dedication!

In any case, we totally rock now dudes!

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