Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Food, Glorious Food!: Soto In Kuala Selangor


This place in Kuala Selangor got some rave reviews on Google, especially for its soto, so we just had to pay a visit. Turned out, our favourite here was actually the pecal ayam. Sangat sedap! Alhamdulillah. 

Soto was good too for me. Maybe tak perlu ambil yang 'special' sebab dengan ayam goreng, begedel, and other condiments, there's quite a lot of stuff to maneuver. Haha. 

But, this place is recommended. Sama jalan dengan Cendol Borhan and Mee Udang Banjir, in case you're already planning a trip. 

Waze: Warung Soto Pasir Penambang

Friday, March 11, 2022

Here Comes The Hypocrisy...


Sometime ago, there was news about a sporting event Malaysia were supposed to host but the offer was withdrawn when we decided to disallow Israeli athletes to compete. The followup then mentioned about how me might incur the "wrath" of international sporting bodies for our strict policy on Israel.  

The news was carried by most local news portals and you know what happened? Fellow Malaysians came out in full force condemning what we did while expressing sympathy for Israeli athletes. It was downright disgusting. 

Seriously lah, no matter how much you hate the current government, why fellow Malaysians feel it's right to side with Israel is beyond me. Nilah kita panggil buta hati. They watch how Palestinians are persecuted, murdered and driven out of their homes and think nothing of it. A bunch of disgusting Zionist-sympathisers. 

They even call other  Malaysians supporting the ban as "racists". When I brought this up with one of the portals and questioned why they're appearing to be pro-Israel, the answer was "we shouldn't mix sports with politics". 

I said, BS, it has always been "mixed". We've boycotted the Olympics before lah. Buta sejarah ke? And now that everyone and their mother are boycotting Russia (from F1 to CHESS tournaments), I wonder what they're thinking now and how their whole "sports and politics don't mix" rhetoric is holding up? Dumb*****...


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