Saturday, December 10, 2022

Letters To My Mother


Once upon a time, people wrote letters. Like, actual letters. Where you had to sit down on a chair, whip out a piece of paper, and write down your thoughts with a pencil or pen. More shockingly, people always spelled words correctly and used proper grammar.

But wait, there’s more! Once you’ve completed the task above, you would then insert that paper which you have folded carefully, into an envelope, write the recipient’s address on it, place a stamp on the top right corner, and then find a postbox to deposit it into.

Then as the days go by, you would start to wonder if the letter had reached your intended recipient, be it a family member, a friend, or a pen pal! (more on this later). And back then, it might take anything from three to seven days for a piece of mail to travel a couple of hundred kilometres across the country.

I, myself, used to write a lot. And it was an absolutely wonderful surprise when I found a bunch of letters that I had mailed to my parents still neatly kept and preserved, some time ago.

Read the full article HERE

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Employability: What Are We Willing To Do?

These 3 factors keep popping up when discussing employability:

- Poor communication skills

- Poor command of English

- Lack of critical thinking skills

Nak tak nak, we MUST make improvements in these areas. No use in blaming others. If your uni didn't prepare you, there are TONS of ways to sharpen your skills in these areas. Don't be lazy. Don't take things for granted. You may think your diploma/degree is good enough like the others, but then you go for an interview and the first thing you say is "I'm graduated from University ABC" - susahlah. Then you marah org tak nak hire you. Sorry to be harsh, but this is the real world.

And oh yeah, from my own experience, even when we do free communication and public skills training, punyalah susah nak dapat org to attend. Pelik betul 😅

Then satu lagi ignorant attitude - "Kita duduk Malaysia, kenapa nak agungkan Bahasa Inggeris?" Well, carry on, then...

Friday, November 25, 2022

Quran Week With Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan

Quran Week - The Study of Surah Al-Insan - with Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan begins tonight. Rabbi Zidni 'Ilma.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

UBAH Begins At Home!

In just mere hours, Malaysians will be going to the polls to elect a new government. But let’s face it, a lot of what we go through in our daily lives, all the antagonistic inconveniences, come from our very own attitudes and mindset that no politician can alter overnight. Yeah, I know, “change begins with us” is such a cliché, but it’s also true. 
“Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (SURAH RAD; QURAN 13:11) 

So, here’s a list of things to take note of as a reminder for — first and foremost – myself, and everyone reading this. May we become better people (irregardless of who wins the election), Insya Allah. 

1. Use the indicator when making a turn while driving. It’s there for a reason. 

2. Never give “duit kopi”. Ever. Broke traffic laws? Own up, apologise and promise it won’t happen again. Keep our wallets in our pockets. 

3. Don’t use facilities meant for the disabled just because they’re not utilised when we’re there. Even at the masjid, some regularly park at OKU parking spaces although hundreds of other vacant spots are available merely metres away. 

 Read the full post HERE

Friday, October 07, 2022

Story Night With Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan!

It was a night of oohs and ahhs as Ustaz Nouman presented deeper perspectives on the story of Nabi Yusuf (AS), making us all ponder on how we could/should rise above the challenges we face in our own lives. Masya Allah, Tabarakallah.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

"That's A Lie!": Handling Difficult Guests On Air


Have you ever wondered what a TV anchor/host feels when interviewing a difficult guest? How do YOU feel watching it on TV?

If you’re the anchor or host, it’s really the ultimate test of your professionalism. I have interviewed hundreds of guests on air including politicians, government officers and celebrities, and I’ve had quite a number that took me to the very limit.

There are different types of guests, of course. Some would just reply with one-liners (which is a BIG problem too), some would attempt to take over the show, while others understand the need to simply be succinct.

Then there are those whose opinions you personally stand against. This can be seen now on a daily basis on foreign news channels with TV anchors getting more and more exasperated at guests merely spouting propaganda and blindly defending positions.

If you cringe watching it, imagine what the likes of Don Lemon must be feeling? They’re only humans after all!

Read the full article HERE

Saturday, July 16, 2022

1000 Page views For Mymuslimin!

1000 page views for Mymuslimin ! Alhamdulillah. 

Pictures are a throwback to that day in Muar when we firmed up this idea, bought the domain and officially started the mymuslimin journey 🙂 We also ended up taking the express bus home, but that's a story for another day. Hehe. Thanks everyone for the support! For clicking on the stories, liking the social media pages and forwarding stuff from mymuslimin to friends and family. Jazakallah!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Alhamdulillah, Is Finally Here!


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. The moment has arrived!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat datang ke 

Laman web dwi-bahasa ini merupakan usaha kecil kami untuk berkongsi dan menyebarkan info, ilmu dan maklumat bermanfaat khasnya buat kaum Adam dalam sama-sama kita memperkasakan diri dan mengejar kehidupan yang lebih akhirat-centric. Insya Allah, kami akan bawakan pengisian yang merangkumi tip dan panduan amalan, renungan harian, isu keluarga, perhubungan dan kerjaya, serta gaya hidup.

The Mymuslimin team (my wife and I - and yes, we are self-funded 🙂) welcome ideas, suggestions and story contributions. Email us at

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Food, Glorious Food!: Soto In Kuala Selangor


This place in Kuala Selangor got some rave reviews on Google, especially for its soto, so we just had to pay a visit. Turned out, our favourite here was actually the pecal ayam. Sangat sedap! Alhamdulillah. 

Soto was good too for me. Maybe tak perlu ambil yang 'special' sebab dengan ayam goreng, begedel, and other condiments, there's quite a lot of stuff to maneuver. Haha. 

But, this place is recommended. Sama jalan dengan Cendol Borhan and Mee Udang Banjir, in case you're already planning a trip. 

Waze: Warung Soto Pasir Penambang

Friday, March 11, 2022

Here Comes The Hypocrisy...


Sometime ago, there was news about a sporting event Malaysia were supposed to host but the offer was withdrawn when we decided to disallow Israeli athletes to compete. The followup then mentioned about how me might incur the "wrath" of international sporting bodies for our strict policy on Israel.  

The news was carried by most local news portals and you know what happened? Fellow Malaysians came out in full force condemning what we did while expressing sympathy for Israeli athletes. It was downright disgusting. 

Seriously lah, no matter how much you hate the current government, why fellow Malaysians feel it's right to side with Israel is beyond me. Nilah kita panggil buta hati. They watch how Palestinians are persecuted, murdered and driven out of their homes and think nothing of it. A bunch of disgusting Zionist-sympathisers. 

They even call other  Malaysians supporting the ban as "racists". When I brought this up with one of the portals and questioned why they're appearing to be pro-Israel, the answer was "we shouldn't mix sports with politics". 

I said, BS, it has always been "mixed". We've boycotted the Olympics before lah. Buta sejarah ke? And now that everyone and their mother are boycotting Russia (from F1 to CHESS tournaments), I wonder what they're thinking now and how their whole "sports and politics don't mix" rhetoric is holding up? Dumb*****...


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